Procedure for Changing Residence Status (Visa)

Procedure for Changing Residence Status (Visa)

This is an application made by foreign nationals residing in Japan under a specific residence status who intend to engage in activities corresponding to a different residence status by changing their intended activities.

The purpose of this application is to obtain a new residence status.

For example:

・A student who graduates from school and secures employment with a Japanese company
“Student” → “Technical Intern, Humanities, and International Services”

・A student who graduates from school but does not secure employment by the expiration of the residence period
“Student” → “Specific Activity – Job Hunting”

・A person working on a work visa who marries a Japanese national
“Technical Intern, Humanities, and International Services” → “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”

・A person who, after marrying a Japanese national and holding the status of “Spouse or Child of Japanese National,” becomes widowed
“Spouse or Child of Japanese National” → “Permanent Resident”

However, it is important to note that changes in residence status may be denied if the requirements are not met. Therefore, careful attention is necessary during the application process.


Procedure NameResidency Status in JapanFeeStatutory FeeTotal Fee (excluding tax)

Application for Change of Residence Status
Change to “Management and Administration”165,000円~

Change to Employment Category ※99,000円~103,000円~
Change to Status Category ※88,000円~92,000円~


  • The fees are approximate.
  • The fees may be lower than the above estimates depending on non-permissible cases and difficulty.
  • Consultations and quotes are free.
  • “Employment category” refers to individuals permitted to stay under a work visa.
  • “Status category” refers to individuals staying under permits other than a work visa.
  • Actual expenses (such as postage) may be added to the total fee.

Required Documents

The situation of the applicant (Japanese spouse, work visa holder, highly skilled professional, etc.) varies depending on the circumstances.

For details, please inquire during the consultation.

Procedure Overview

Procedure NameApplication for Change of Residence Status Permission
Target AudienceThis is an application for individuals who intend to change their current residence status to engage in different activities and perform the relevant activities.
ApplicantApplicant themselves
Legal representative or proxy
Proxy applicant

(1) Those who have received approval for proxy application from the Regional Immigration Bureau Director and have been entrusted by the applicant: A. Employees of the institution managed or employed by the applicant B. Employees of the institution where the applicant is undergoing training or education C.
Organizations overseeing activities to acquire skills, technology, or knowledge performed by foreigners D. Employees of public interest corporations aiming to facilitate the smooth acceptance of foreigners

(2) Lawyers or administrative scriveners who have notified the Regional Immigration Bureau Director and have been entrusted by the applicant

(3) If the applicant is under 16 years old or unable to appear in person due to illness, a relative, cohabitant, or a person deemed appropriate by the Regional Immigration Bureau Director.
Application LocationRegional Immigration Office with jurisdiction over the place of residence
Application TimingFrom the occurrence of the reason for change until the expiration of the period (2 weeks to 1 month)
Statutory Fees4,000円
※Paid with revenue stamps
※Required when permission is granted

Procedure for Your Request


Feel free to contact us via phone, email, or LINE.
TEL: 03-6450-3286 (Business Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM)

Initial Consultation (Free)

We will discuss your situation and propose the most suitable solution.

  • In-person or online consultations are available.
  • We can also accommodate appointments on weekends, holidays, weekday evenings, or early mornings with prior reservation.
Quotation Presentation

We will provide information on the estimated costs.

Contract Agreement + Payment

Once you agree to our proposal, we will send you an invoice. Please make the payment by the specified date.

Document Preparation + Application

We will promptly prepare the necessary documents and proceed with the application. Certain documents will be required from you during this process.

Receipt of Application Results

We will promptly inform you of the results, marking the completion of our services.