Corporate Account Opening Support

Corporate Account Opening Support

We provide assistance with setting up bank accounts.

In the case of starting a business from overseas, having a domestic bank account in Japan is necessary for obtaining the appropriate residence status. Additionally, opening a corporate bank account after establishing a company can be challenging for foreign individuals.

We offer support to ensure a smooth process.


Procedure NameFeeTotal Fee (excluding tax)
Bank Account Opening Support
Initial Fee: ¥55,000
Success Fee: ¥55,000


  • Limited to online banks.
  • Application for up to two banks is possible with the above fees.

Procedure for Opening an Account

  • Consultation on the corporate situation and guidance on required documents.
  • Preparation of required documents
    ★Apply to the online bank ⇒ Evaluation (approximately 10 days)
  • Dispatch of documents from the online bank to the representative or account manager’s home and the corporate address.
    ※ Includes cards and documents for initial setup.
  • After receiving the documents, perform the initial setup to start using the account★

※ Please handle ★ on your end.
※ Depending on the online bank, a corporate seal may be required.

Required Documents

  • Identification documents
  • Corporate register or certificate of seal impression for the company

Procedure for Your Request


Feel free to contact us via phone, email, or LINE.
TEL: 03-6450-3286 (Business Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM)

Initial Consultation (Free)

We will discuss your situation and propose the most suitable solution.

  • In-person or online consultations are available.
  • We can also accommodate appointments on weekends, holidays, weekday evenings, or early mornings with prior reservation.
Quotation Presentation

We will provide information on the estimated costs.

Contract Agreement + Payment

Once you agree to our proposal, we will send you an invoice. Please make the payment by the specified date.

Document Preparation + Application

We will promptly prepare the necessary documents and proceed with the application. Certain documents will be required from you during this process.

Receipt of Application Results

We will promptly inform you of the results, marking the completion of our services.